My Very Own Blog!

Okay World! This is a blog about my personal and professional experiences. Ideas and images contained herein are mine and no one else’s. Some people may even get angry or annoyed at the ideas and opinions expressed here. Too bad. Some are really cool and happiness inducing and others are things that have happened that really bothered me. You see, everyone has an opinion; however, so many of them are commercially contrived. I’m not about that because I’m not selling anything. It is my sincere hope that some will even get inspired. I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants in my life and inspiration is always at hand. Sometimes, though, you have to sort through life to find it. There is a lesson to be had in everything that happens to a person, both good and bad.

I think it is important to be yourself since no one else can occupy your body. Always be true to yourself. Always be honest. Do your best where you can, when you can and as often as you can.

I am a loving husband married to an awesome and supportive wife, a father of two kids, a dentist, a music lover and a tennis player. I’ll be talking about many topics here. Hopefully many will be thought provoking. I’ll try to avoid politics but that’s really difficult since the world is always a political place often ostentatious in its presentation of astounding beauty and outright ugliness. It can be dangerous too. To remain in silence is to give comfort to oppressors. Above all, just be nice to each other. Life’s way too short. So buckle up and let’s go!